Thursday, 17 November 2011

Sense of Space

Just been given our new Creative Media Project in which we have to create a 3 minute piece to create a Sense of Space through the use of audio only. We have to work in pairs again and this time my partner is Amy Jackson.
  In the class we was shown a number of audio listening materials to give us an idea of what we shall have to do for the project but also maybe give us inspiration for our own idea and final work. Here I'm going to briefly write about my personal favourites and why I liked them.

Example 1
‘Meat Factory Ear Worms’ - Rishie Beirne – 2008 - 13’47’’
In this audio piece Rishie Beirne is reliving his time when he uses to work on the killing lines in the Irish slaughterhouses.
Throughout Rishie Beirne is narrating his time working in the slaughterhouses. Two pieces of music keep repeating & replaying throughout the piece which Rishie calls 'Ear Worms' as they get stuck in his head. He uses these pieces of music as an escape from the tough & grim work he does.
There is a lot of repetition throughout the piece which gives sense of a never ending dullness and also slight sense of disorientation, this is also created with the use of certain words being repeated over with sound effects such as alarm clocks. In the background throughout there are sounds of machines, movement and knives being sharpened they are repeated over & at times come out of nowhere at a high level of volume, which gives sense of Rishie being brought back to his unhappy & grim environment & work.
  This piece also goes into the personal space of Rishie as well as we enter his mind, thoughts & emotions. He goes into a very forward and blunt detail of how he kills the animals with the sound of the machines & knives in the background throughout however there is no actual sound of animals being killed or cut or actually just being there throughout. Again I believe this gives sense of his escapism as to do his job he has to lose any kind of attachment or emotion for the animal and they are not included in this piece as it reflects him shutting it out of his mind.

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