Monday, 7 November 2011

P.O.P Re-plan & re-shoot

The New Plan
After a tutorial with Debbie where we had to show a rough edit of our work for Portrait of Place project, Katie & I came to the conclusion that we will rethink & reshoot our idea as we was completely unhappy with the outcome of the original shoot.
Therefore Katie & I had a meeting between ourselves where we decided to film a more simple idea but with more creative shots rather than just focus what was in the shot. We still liked the idea of our main focus being nature and the interaction of the human world with nature. So at the end of the meeting we decided that our idea would be a more positive and peaceful idea. We planned to shoot man walking in the Peak District where he begins to drop and leave his clothing and possessions therefore becoming at one with the earth once again. We decided we would have a lot of shots focusing on certain parts of the environment and the human body, using a lot of close ups, zooms, pans & tilts also playing around with the focus to get a lot of peaceful, dreamlike shots.

After The New Shoot
As we didn't have enough money to go back to Edale Katie & myself decided to start out filming in Endcliffe Park and walk our way out into the beginning of the Peak. Overall we were more than happy with our shoot, especially as the weather was much more permitting allowing us to get more interesting shots without damaging the camera. We are now currently in the process of editing...

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