Thursday, 17 November 2011

S.O.S Examples

Example 2
'Jarman's Garden' - Sherre DeLys - 2000 - 14'49''
Before British filmmaker Derek Jarman passed away after his long battle with AIDS he put a lot of time into creating a very unique garden. Sherre DeLys visited the garden and created this impressionistic piece of her experience there.
Through most part of this audio piece there is a lot of ambient music used in the background along with the sound of calm wind & wind chimes. We can hear footsteps on pebbles & the sound of waves & seagulls which gives a sense of space of being near the shore. This all creates the sense of space of calmness and tranquillity & allows the listener to have a sense of what it is like there even though they cannot see it.
At one point the ambient music fades out & sounds of creaking & movement on floorboards fade in which give a sense of space that they have left the garden and now ventured inside the cabin.
I like how this piece mixes both natural & un-natural sounds together as throughout there are sounds of what seems to be clanging on metal, which could be ornaments created by Jarman in the garden, which I believe is trying to give a sense of space to the post-industrial feel of the garden as well as the natural calmness.

Towards the end of the audio piece there is no sound but waves brushing on the shore for a long period. I believe this is trying to create a sense of space into what it may have been like for Jarman to live there. We are going into Jarman's mind & discovering what it was like for him to sit there and listen to the sound of nothing but the waves and the wing giving a peaceful and atmospheric sense of space. I believe this could also be used as to make the audience reflect on Jarman, his work & what he did for people.

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