Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Drama - Roles

Screen Writer / Art Director - James Mellors

Director – Lucy Jones - Smith

Cinematography - Benjamin Wilson

Editor - Katie Watts

Producer - Alice Hathaway

Sound - Stephen Maclean

I’m very excited and happy with the group I am going to be working with. I have worked with Katie before on previous projects and we usually always share the same ideas and views on how our projects are going to look overall. I have not had the chance to work with anyone else in my group so therefore I am highly looking forward to working with them because I have been highly impressed with all their previous work and know that they put in a lot of time, effort and pride with their work as I like to do also.

I am highly looking forward to my role as I believe that scriptwriting is my strongest attribute out of all the roles so far. I am also extremely excited about being the visual arts director for this project as I have never done it before and it will be a fun part gaining all the correct props and costumes for the film. I also like the idea that my main part for the film is to create the correct feel and mood my group are trying to achieve by not only having the correct props and costumes, but also making sure that we capture the best places in the settings we will be shooting at in order to obtain the most aesthetically pleasing shots possible.

My only worry is that Lucy (the director) will not understand or interpret my script as I do, which will take longer in the planning process to understand each other’s views on the film. However in all honesty I am fairly confident that she will as I am self-assured with my scriptwriting skills because previous people have enjoyed and understood my previous scripts usually within the first draft.

A personal note to myself however will be not to get too involved with the camera work and framing etc. as at the end of the day it is what the director (Lucy) and the cinematographer (Ben) want to achieve. Because of my role as visual arts director I may at times step out of my role and share too many opinions on how the shots should look etc. So therefore just a personal note to myself to let Lucy be the director and run her crew and film as she sees fit. 

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